WHAT IS Onlabs?
Onlabs is a Virtual Reality lab which is provided to the distance learning students at the Hellenic Open University (HOU), as a supplement to their printed learning material, so as to be trained on their basic biology lab experiments. HOU offers high-quality education, via the distance learning method, by constantly updating and developing new learning material. Onlabs is designed and developed exactly within this scope.
A tool designed for science education
Onlabs is addressed to university faculty, to researchers university faculty, to researchers, to lab instructors and to school teachers.
An innovative learning approach
Onlabs supports open and innovative education and empowers digital citizens, to reap the benefits of VR. Onlabs is a sophisticated tool offering knowledge based on the theoretical models of Behaviorism, Cognitivism and Constructivism.
Learn at your own pace
Onlabs helps learners to overcome time and space limitations by providing experimental skills and science knowledge in a highly realistic environment.
Easy to use
Onlabs is an easy-to-use and easy-to-download software that can be embedded into any educational scenario applied in science laboratory courses, as it simulates basic biology experiments.
Onlabs supports
The sudden shift to online and distance learning, ensuring the quality in education.
A distance learning tool
Onlabs is created in order to fulfill the need of the distance learning biology students of HOU to be trained remotely, in making appropriate use of the laboratory equipment and conducting experiments, before appearing in the premises of their University, and perform the prescheduled exercises in the real lab.
The designing and the development of Onlabs
Onlabs, as an educational tool for distance learning students, but also with a vision and a perspective to be also used in conventional Universities and in School Education, is based on the theoretical models of Behaviourism, Cognitivism and Constructivism.